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Saturday, March 21, 2015

INTERVIEW FAILED. And More About Washington.....

Hello folks. Sorry for not updating blog for long time. I tried to contact Byron DeLear but he haven't picked up the phone. At the same time, I had two midterm exams this month. However, I paid attention to the recent Israel election, the #47traitors incident with Senator Tom Cotton, and, yes, Pope Francis's comment on money in politics. There is also a recent news about Congressman Aaron Schock resigning over misuse of campaign funding but this is the only dark money-related news the corporate media would comment on. There are few things I would like to make comments about them and why I think these people who support such politicians are disgusting.

Let's start with Israel.

  • While I am writing this, I will stay neutral on the issue of Israeli-Palestine conflict. I believe Israel, as a state, have a right to defend themselves, but at the same time, I think they should leave Palestine alone and shouldn't occupy more further onto their land. Also, both sides should better make a diplomatic peace deal together and enact two-state solution already. 
  • Unfortunately, two-state solution is only a wishful thinking in the world of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing supporters from United States and his own country Israel. Speaker of the House John Boehner invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak at the House of Congress without any approval from the Obama administration. At first, I thought this was a joke: why would a powerful man in US politic committed a treasonous act by inviting a foreign leader without any permission? 
  • Netanyahu did came to the House of Congress gave a hawkish speech in front of Republicans, while others, including Democrats who supports Israel and even Independent Senator Bernie Sanders, boycotted the speech. Even worse, this happened at that time the Obama administration trying to make a deal with Iran about nuclear program that Netanyahu is afraid of. The Prime Minister of Israel warned everyone in Congress about the threat of Iranian nuclear program, the same way he warned everyone at United Nation about it few years ago. The problem with his speech was that, according to the leaked top-secret Mossad documents, Iran was “not performing the activity necessary to produce weapons”. He cried the wolf couple of times over the last decade and did not listen to advises from his Mossad chief whether or not Israel should attack other countries in Middle East that look threatening for them.
  • Many pundits and commentators believe that the speech Netanyahu gave at the Congress would negatively affects his re-election campaign in Israel. As long as Israeli-supporting right wing billionaire Sheldon Adelson is on his side, this won't matters. Adelson subsidize largest printed media in Israel to push the agenda supported by Netanyahu's followers. So he used corporate funding, fear-tactic, and voters suppression on Arab citizens of Israel (and Palestinians) to gain more votes and re-elected for the fourth time. In other words, Israeli election is just as much as rigged as United States. People said Israel is the only democratic nation in Middle East? Well they should add two more words, "kind of".
  • And funny thing is, Netanyahu stated that there will be no two-state solution before he got elected. After that, he backpedaled and said he SUPPORTS two-state solution.  The truth is he and every Republicans in congress who applauded his speech still wants to bomb every Middle Eastern.
Speaking of the war, we then have Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas.
That's all for the overall summary of money in politic stories throughout first half of March. Even though I wanted to talk about Aaron Schock but I already pointed out this is the only thing the mainstream media would report on so I prefer not weighting on this.

For this spring break, I am going to do some trainings with new Wolf-PAC volunteers. I better get prepared. If you haven't sign up for Wolf-PAC: do it right away. 

Wish me luck.

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